Tuesday, May 12, 2020

May 11 2020/ covid ?

It's the day after motherday
The day after  hiltons birthday 
May 10 2020

He would be  30 years old...

I went to his grave site .... i was not allowed In 
Covid 19 stupid... 
No flash mobs at the  grave yard ...
No work ... at all...

Today I have not only lost my son
But I no longer have a relationship with my daughter  
even though she is alive and she was one of the three amigos 
She know longer wants to talk to her dad ...super sad for me.... if you know her ask why and tell her I love her....

Hilton  happy birthday  
and if I had one wish on this day it would to make a mends with the following people

Mike byrne
Kevin byrne
Kelly byrne
Kat byrne 
Katie byrne ...
Ciaran lazenby 
Ian lazenby
David lazenby ...

I have no idea why these people have cut me out of their lives... but I love them and miss them ...

Hilton I miss you very much... 
I miss you and cry as if it was just yesterday, we were fucking around in the shop...

My life changed the day you died...
 boy oh boy do I walk with an emotional  limp ... as David kloke would say....

I have  flashbacks and night terrors... all from that time ...  i sleep like shit ... even if I take cbd oil... hahah nope...

Hiltob / Kat/ Georga are my rockstars..i would do anything for you three... anything...

Oh hilton..just wanted you to know allie and I are great and have surrounded ourselves  with great people .... that has to because of you..
Oh and nan.... ( my mom- hiltons grandmother)  nan .. she still makes be pancakes ... and her and I are super close ... best friends....

She tells me she thinks of you all the time .. and love you... 


Tim Byrne

Email: tbyrne@stadia.ca
Cell: 416-984-9045
Website: www.stadia.ca
24/7 Service: 905-739-3939


Monday, October 14, 2019


It's been 9 years since hiltons fatal accident 
I will be honest it never got easier and time does not heal all wounds 

Loosing a child .. having the pull the plug on a child is an experience one should never  have to endure 
The death of a grandparent.  Or a parent or even a brother or sister is not the same 

I have a very clear memory of hiltons stay at st. Mike's hospital 

I love you son ... keep watching over Kat. Georg your mom and me ... 

Laugh..live..play work

We are the best little handyman general contractor Canada has 

Call my cell if ya want to talk
416 984 9045
If your stuck 
Want to place a service call anywhere in canada🇨🇦
637 948 8181

Thursday, October 29, 2015

5 years

‎I love you
The haunting feeling like I did something wrong still lingers in the gallows of my soul.
My son....
I miss you, 
The pain is like a knife in my chest.


Thursday, October 30, 2014

Oct 30 2014

‎Alone wondering what life would be like if he was here

Not a days go by without my heart broken

Dreams that become nightmares

No logic 

Moments of pain and hurt that can not be define by simple words

I love you my son

Sweet dreams god bless and dont let the bed bugs bite

Life is fucked up

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

3rd year... GONE...

It's. Not easier, nope. It's shitty..

It not like anything else you have felt in your life
Hollow, alone, Hiltons yesterday's news. Throat closed over, panic...

no one even remembers him... nor should they... 

I do... I'm supposed too... I got it.. it's my pain.. »my hurt...

Penny's, kats and georga's and kellies... all reeling in our own way...
Some worse... Then others...

I hope georga forgets... and when she is thirty, it won't be a memory, it will just be a bad dream...

Kat... she lives it with me... everyday...she sees my pain... I see hers....

It's the most fucked up, feeling you could ever have.....

I'm so damaged by the experience of Hiltons death, I wonder how I can even get out of bed.. not fare, 

Really God is an asshole...

Time does not heal all wounds...

I'm  crippled by  the experience  fuck fuck fuck....

I wish I had an insight *a Oprah Moment, that would allow it all to make sense... 

I'm waiting for god to give me a sign as to why this happened to me....

Tomorrow is another day...(sigh)

God bless Sweet dreams..... don't let the bed bugs bite.... my little buddy.... 

Mother fucker.... 

Monday, October 14, 2013

3 years... since his accident

‎I love you son, 

I wish I could tell the people that need to know what is going on in my head.....

I wish I could share my feelings, in hopes to help another Dad(s) and families....

This blog will be used against me...so I restrain myself... 

Even though hilti will tell me to fuck'em All....... 

I wear hilts ashes around my neck everyday. I touch them like he is with me everyday.

Happy thanksgiving. 


Friday, May 10, 2013

Happy birthday my little buddy

You would be 23 today...
I miss you more then ever....

Honesty and integrity. With every service call...24 years of learning.

Tim Byrne
Stadia Industries Ltd.
My number: 905-739-1450
24-7 Service: 1-905-739-3939

Watch Stadia's TD Tower Installation