Monday, October 31, 2011

Foundation challenges...

Hello readers and donators,

Last year, so many people donated their hard earned money to Hilton Byrne. They didn't purchase a T-shirt or sticker, they just gave money.

For those that did just give money,I want you to know it is a real challenge to start a foundation with less than $15,000.00

The government accounting fees, legal costs and liability insurance , administration and filings, of forming a foundation are far beyond 15,000.00,
and without a steady stream of incoming revenue, a Hilton Byrne Foundation would collapse and the money would be wasted in vain....

So, to honour the spirit in which the money was donated, I have used it in the following ways memorialize Hilton.

1) I purchased a street name in his honour in Newmarket. All donators will be invited to the ceremony in the spring.....

2) We keep producing t-shirts and stickers for free give aways, flags for rides ...

3) We have used the monies to create videos and manage the blog, so it will remain as a reminder to the safety of riders...

There has been a concern from a minority, that folks may want their money back.
Valid ..... So......

If you do, call my office or email me your request confidentially , along with a copy of your cheque. I will forward you the money back within 60 days. In full....with out question....

Sorry if I have let anyone down, or left any one feeling like they got ripped off....
That is not the case nor the intention...

I'm really sorry if I let my son down...

I did really try and I believe despite the foundation not being ........

Hilton did need to be remembered and we have done that....

Thank you for your support during this difficult time

Tim Byrne...

Tim and Hilton make a video for Flex Hoarding

Night Skate for Hilton

Sunday, October 30, 2011


The year of firsts is official over 3pm

Hey buddy we made it...

I don't think the year of 2cds is gonna be any easier.

There are so many things I want to write but I'm not allowed too.... Because certain people are reading this and might use this information in court to set me up for instability psychological damage I might be causing ....

( I say if ya don't like don't read it, but others not so much)

So hilti here is the edited version.

Since you died, you mom and kat hang out more, and your mom come to the office all the time... I know thank god your not there, it would embarrass the shit out of you.

Chris Mahon is doing great smart kid, and I'm sure you and he would have been partners one day

Mike wick, is rocking out the boss thing

Lester in the back other then crashing the odd. Truck, is doing great,

I hung out with the guy you crashed into.... Last year on the motor bike....oh ya how could we forget

Check this out... His birthday is on the same day as yours MAY 10

And his wife... Check this out ..... Is may 10....
I'm just fucking with ya

.... His wife is nov 5 th... The day of your funeral...

Kinda gave me goose bumps... Bone chilling... This guys is great and we hung out at the accident scene and had lunch,

Kat, me and georga alex have all had you in our dreams... Katie byrne.... She dreamed that you got drunk together,

Your head stone is cool....
I'm sure you looked at it..

Nothing but the best for you... Hilti...

Thanksgiving we had 21 people over, and it was great, ... It was normal, leanne ( she is my girlfriend) we had her whole family over ... And other then her uncle fred with one ear getting drunk... it was good.
.( Jk)

I found a shitty video of you and I that I'm gonna post.
Doing a flex hoarding spot...

I got your jeep back, spent a shit pile of money on it... ( You owe it to me back). And I'm gonna teach kat how to drive standard... Sweet, next year we are going to take the top off and Cruz around.
We are gonna keep it

Georga got a long board from the brothers who long board
sweet again...
I'm gonna get chris and albert to take her out and ride down at jefferson I think that's the place...

I'm riding your board now, and georga and I ride around all the time on our street. Georga has a poster of you up in her room
My chest pains are gone,

I have had every test possible including dye shot into my heart... And you will be happy to know I have a heart and its healthy.....

Now I just feel like I'm choking all the time ...

I sleep like shit but I sleep better then I did a year ago

My doctors and my theripist all tell me its normal shit. And...........
poor nanna , she is a mess... A real mess.... Man she loved you....

Kat is a mess too... Wow... She loved you

So hilti... I got a let ya know..... I'm a fighter, big bad ass motherfucking fighter.....and I promise
your death and the loss of you from my life... It Will make me stronger,
and I will find a reason why this happened to us.
I will learn from this and I will be come a better person from this...... It sucks but there has to be a reason....
I had so much fun with you growing up with me. You were my little buddy,
Oh yeah... Just so ya know , I went to the south lake hospital auction and I bought a street to name....and guess what I'm calling it....

"Hilton Byrne parkway"...sweet eh,

Super cool, I haven't really told anybody...yet...
We got great stickers for you
And all the stadia trucks sport your logo...

And I have everyone posting you logo on there bbm status... Today very cool..

I have been down to st. mikes a few times

John the nurse and I have talk a few times he is very cool....

I'm sure I'm forgetting about something...

The long board meeting they tell me 900 showed up and they had a moment of silence for you

Shawn and sarah, they have be great,

Actually I can't begin to tell you about all the great people that have supported me in my journey..

I wish you were here with me,

I fucking love you hilton... And I always will,

I miss you

God dammit this sucks,

Ps: as you would say buddy... I'm not a fan of this...

Ps: Don't rest in peace, have fun up there, play hard and work hard and show them how to do it.....hheheheheh
