Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas shopping

......Ran away from work....

work is so hard to build up the energy to be there....

..... hilton was a huge part of my office and shop,

Mike W and talked about it yesterday.. And he misses him too.... How he just did things, how clean the shop was, well he got along with hilton.....

It really overwhelm s me , being in the office having all these people around... Who knew him, good or bad...

I saw eugene today, and he says he is doing ok,,,

He gave me this look..

Everyone is having a tough time with hilton being gone...
Most of all because I have changed... I often wonder is my change forever....??????????

With out hilton in my life , my life will never be the same again...

I guess I have to learn to live with the change...

Christmas shopping ,

we used to count gifts, make sure georg, kat and hilt all got the same amount of things to open... Specifically hilti and kat because they are so close in Age.... The would make sure they got to open the same amount.

We bought something with a "K" on it... And they had a "H" thing right beside it....

It made me cry.....( Sigh)

I really fuck'n hate that he is gone....

I loved shopping for boys stuff, yet hilton was the pickest guy on the planet...

Kellie once bought a game where as, the object of the game was to be electrocuted, fun right, for a boy...................
Hilton hated it... He was insulted we bought him this gift...

Kellie figure its because way back when we live at a rental home at 18 church in aurora Hilti put his finger in a broken socket,..plate.... And got a 110 V shock... He was 4 and he told us that a huge monster in the wall tried to get him... And he didn't like electricity after that.....

Not buying him gifts sucks....

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