Wednesday, November 3, 2010

St. Mikes church was our next stop after the ICU 3pm we just can't stop saying goodbye... ( And this is a little funny)

So we left st. Mikes hospital and back to the truck and moved to a parking lot near metropolitan united church and close to st. Mikes cathedral

We grabbed two bags of granola bars, cookies, treats fruit bars... And brought them out to the park on the south side, and handed as much as we could to the homeless people.. It felt so good, they were so grateful, even the guy who pulled his penis out was happy to have food....!!!! Who doesn't need a fruit bar......????

As we made our way around the south end of the park we ended up in side st. Mikes.... Cathedral, granny , hiltons great grandmother who I might add is still with us... Tells me that our great, great great great uncle was a rum runner or a "pirate" and go caught, sent to canada for five year in 1840 to do the plaster on the ceiling of st michaels cathedral.... Cool

The super seven entered... And took our usual seat, each one of us stopped and lit a candle ....

We giggled and prayed, and cried...

We cried because our hilton ,

our hilti was gone....

hilti was never coming back....

Should I say it........

God bless , sweet dreams

Don't let the bed bugs bite...

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